Boston Gear, Gear, Worm gear, huco coupling, [9 Oct. 2011, 21:48:23]
Boston Gear manufactures over 30, 000 superior-quality parts - all of which are subject to rigorous quality control standards and all of which are included here for your convenient reference, accompanied by standard ordering information.
Boston Gear' s comprehensive line of enclosed gear drives , including worm, in-line and parallel-shaft helical, miter, and bevel, provides you with the product variety you need to get the job done. Factor in our Guaranteed Same Day Shipment Program, which ensures rapid delivery, or our innovative Reducer Express� , which ensures overnight delivery, and you' ll see why Boston Gear' s speed reducers are preferred by manufacturers worldwide. In fact, every time you specify a Boston Gear product, you incorporate quality, responsiveness, and Boston Gear' s 123-year reputation into your design.
The latest addition to the Boston Gear product offering is the new Huco Precision Coupling product line from Boston Gear. If your applications require low bearing loads, high torsional rigidity, high misalignment or electrical insulating properties, then we have a solution with one of the couplings below :
* Flex M - Disc coupling designed for the highest torsional rigidity and RPM Capacity
* Flex B - Bellows coupling provide low bearing loads and zero backlash
* Beam - Six beam, Three beam and Single beam for a variety of applications
* Uni-Lat - Universal coupling with the highest misalignment capacity
* Oldham - Sliding disc coupling provides zero backlash and high insulating properties
* Flex P - Highly flexible coupling intended for cost conscious customers .